
Music and Dealers

Getting into Augmented Reality

I didn't know the potential of Augmented Reality until I started my practice work at Iceblink, but I got amazed with its possibilities since first momment. We made really interesting prototypes and I'm really happy with the learning during the process.

Music and Dealers

We showed some of our AR apps in Music and Dealers 2016 and even made a custom app for the event with a guide and funny promotional content. Users could put a T-Shirt of Music and Dealers and the AR app allowed them to take a photo of themselves with differet augmented instrumments. It is a pity that the application is no longer in the stores because I was the model who appeared in the screenshots, you can see me posing in the below promotional video (not my best quality, I admit it hahaha).

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About The Author

Amazed by the symbiosis between art and technology. Interested in interactivity and audiovisual creation in all its formats: animation, AR, VR, videogames,...